โฑ๏ธSpacing Effect

Why do we retain information better when we learn it over a long time period?

OWL file of the ontology

Give me a definition of "Spacing Effect"

The "Spacing Effect" is a phenomenon observed in psychology and education, referring to the improved ability to remember information or perform a skill when study or practice sessions are spaced out over time, rather than concentrated in a short period. This effect suggests that distributed practice, involving intervals between learning sessions, enhances long-term memory retention more effectively than massed practice, where learning sessions are crammed together. Essentially, spreading learning over multiple sessions with breaks in betweenโ€”known as spaced repetitionโ€”can significantly improve the absorption and recall of information compared to trying to learn it all at once.

  1. Language Learning: A student learning a new language practices vocabulary for 20 minutes daily over several months, instead of cramming hours of study into a single day. This spaced practice helps the student retain vocabulary more effectively.

  2. Musical Instrument Mastery: A musician learning a new piece practices it in short, daily sessions over weeks, rather than attempting to master it in a few long sessions. This approach improves memory and skill acquisition.

  3. Fitness Training: An individual spreads out their training sessions for a marathon over several months, gradually increasing distance, instead of intensive training just before the event. This spacing improves physical conditioning and endurance.

  4. Medical Studies: A medical student reviews patient case studies and diagnostic processes in regular, spaced intervals throughout their education, enhancing their long-term retention of diagnostic skills.

  5. Professional Development: An employee learning a new software tool practices it for 30 minutes each day over several weeks, instead of a single, full-day training session, leading to better proficiency and recall.

  6. Mathematics Learning: A student tackling complex math problems works on them for short periods over many days, finding solutions more effectively than if studying intensively in one sitting.

  7. Historical Facts Retention: A history enthusiast reads about a different era each week over several months, retaining a broader and more detailed understanding of historical timelines and events.

  8. Sports Skills Improvement: A basketball player practices free throws for 15 minutes each day rather than for several hours once a week, leading to more consistent performance.

  9. Public Speaking Skills: Someone preparing for a public speaking event practices their speech a little each day, refining their delivery and memorization, rather than rehearsing non-stop the day before.

  10. Cooking Skills Development: An aspiring chef practices making different types of sauces on separate days, each session focusing on one sauce, leading to a better understanding and mastery of culinary techniques.

Now create a user story for "Language Learning" scenario

User Story: Language Learning through the Spacing Effect

Title: Enhancing Vocabulary Retention in Spanish Learning

As a language learning app user,

I want the app to schedule my vocabulary practice in short, spaced intervals over the course of my learning journey,

So that I can improve my retention of Spanish words and phrases more effectively than with traditional, massed study sessions.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Daily Practice Sessions: The app automatically schedules daily vocabulary practice sessions, each lasting no more than 20 minutes, ensuring that learning is spaced out over time.

  2. Adaptive Spacing Intervals: Based on my performance, the app adjusts the spacing intervals, reducing them for words I struggle with and increasing them for those I master, to optimize my learning curve.

  3. Progress Tracking: The app provides a visual representation of my progress, showing how my vocabulary retention improves over time with spaced repetition.

  4. Reminder System: The app sends me reminders for upcoming practice sessions, helping me stay on track with my learning plan.

  5. Review Sessions: The app integrates periodic review sessions that specifically target vocabulary I learned earlier, reinforcing my long-term memory retention.

By following this user story, the language learning app aims to leverage the spacing effect to help learners like me absorb and retain new vocabulary more efficiently, making the journey to fluency in a new language more achievable and enjoyable.

Now, if you should make an ontology of the "Spacing Effect", what classes and properties would you create?


  1. LearningSession

    • Properties: SessionID, Duration, ContentArea, SessionDate, PerformanceScore

  2. Learner

    • Properties: LearnerID, Name, LearningStyle, PerformanceHistory

  3. ContentArea

    • Properties: ContentID, Subject, DifficultyLevel, Importance

  4. ReviewSession

    • Properties: SessionID, AssociatedLearningSessionID, Duration, ReviewDate, PerformanceScore

  5. PerformanceScore

    • Properties: ScoreID, ScoreValue, Date, ImprovementIndicator

  6. LearningSchedule

    • Properties: ScheduleID, LearnerID, StartDate, EndDate, SessionFrequency

  7. LearningMaterial

    • Properties: MaterialID, ContentAreaID, Format, ComplexityLevel

  8. Assessment

    • Properties: AssessmentID, LearnerID, Score, AssessmentDate, ContentAreaID


  • Learner enrolls in LearningSession

  • LearningSession covers ContentArea

  • LearningSession utilizes LearningMaterial

  • ReviewSession is associated with LearningSession

  • Learner has PerformanceScore

  • LearningSchedule schedules LearningSession

  • LearningSchedule belongs to Learner

  • Assessment assesses Learner

  • ContentArea is assessed by Assessment

Properties Explanation:

  • SessionID, LearnerID, ContentID, ScoreID, ScheduleID, MaterialID, AssessmentID: Unique identifiers for each instance of the class.

  • Duration: The length of a learning or review session.

  • ContentArea: The subject or topic area being studied.

  • SessionDate, ReviewDate, Date, StartDate, EndDate, AssessmentDate: Dates related to learning sessions, review sessions, performance scoring, the learning schedule, and assessments.

  • PerformanceScore: A numeric or qualitative measure of a learner's performance in a session or assessment.

  • LearningStyle: A classification of the learner's preferred method of absorbing information (e.g., visual, auditory, kinesthetic).

  • PerformanceHistory: A record of scores or achievements over time.

  • SessionFrequency: How often learning sessions are scheduled within the learning schedule.

  • Format: The type of learning materials (e.g., text, video, interactive).

  • ComplexityLevel: The difficulty level of the learning material or content area.

  • ImprovementIndicator: A metric or indicator showing progress or regression over time.

Competency Questions

  1. How is the spacing effect influenced by the frequency of study sessions?

    • Example: "How does the frequency of study sessions impact the spacing effect in students learning a new language?"

  2. What activities are involved in learning according to the spacing effect ontology?

    • Example: "What are the specific activities and sub-activities included in the language learning process?"

  3. What are the observable outcomes of engagement in learning sessions?

    • Example: "What are the observable outcomes or performances resulting from students' engagement in spaced learning sessions?"

  4. What is the relationship between engagement and memorization in the context of spaced learning?

    • Example: "What is the relationship between student engagement and vocabulary memorization in the context of spaced learning?"

Classes and Properties Created

Our classes:

CognitiveBias: Represents the overarching concept of cognitive biases.

BiasedAgent: Represents an entity that experiences the bias.

SpacingEffect: Refers to the improved ability to remember information or perform a skill when study or practice sessions are spaced out over time, rather than concentrated in a short period.

Repetition: Represents the activity of repeating something that has already been said or written.

Our properties:

isAffectedBy: Describes the relationship between a cognitive bias and an individual on the base of influence.

affects: Inverse of isAffectedBy.

Chosen Framester Frames

o People

This frame contains general words for Individuals, i.e. humans. The Person is conceived of as independent of other specific individuals with whom they have relationships and independent of their participation in any particular activity. They may have an Age, Descriptor, Origin, Persistent_characteristic, or Ethnicity. A man from Phoenix was shot yesterday. She gave birth to a screaming baby yesterday. I study 16-year-old female adolescents. I am dating an African-American man. She comforted the terrified child. I always thought of him as a stupid man.

o Frequency

This frame has to do with the repetition (and especially the frequency of repetition) of an event. Many of the adjectives and adverbs in this frame are based on nouns in the Calendric_unit frame. China will have to face a high frequency of sand storms in the years to come.

o Memorization

A Cognizer applies oneself to commit a Pattern to memory, so that the Cognizer would recognize future examples of the Pattern or be able to reproduce it. A gaggle of students were frantically memorizing the answers out in the hall. It is possible to memorize by rote and at the same time have a full grasp of the underlying meaning.

Chosen Content ODPs

o Experience and Observation

To represent the epistemological "missing link" between a cognitive activity, e.g. the interaction with a cultural object, and any evidence of the effects this activity has on the individuals that are engaged with it; what can collectively be considered as an experience.

o Parameter

To represent parameters to be used for a certain concept.

o Sequence

To represent sequence schemas. It defines the notion of transitive and intransitive precedence and their inverses. It can then be used between tasks, processes, time intervals, spatially locate objects, situations, etc.

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