
Creation and development process of Cryptomnesia bias Ontology

ChatGPT exploratory conversation

Give me a definition of “ Cryptomnesia ”

Cryptomnesia occurs when a person mistakenly believes they have come up with a new idea, thought, or memory, when in fact they are recalling something they've previously encountered but have forgotten about. This phenomenon can happen to anyone and often involves inadvertently plagiarizing someone else's work or ideas without realizing it. The term combines "crypto-" meaning hidden, and "mnēsia" meaning memory, referring to the hidden nature of the forgotten memory. It's an interesting facet of how memory works, demonstrating that even when we can't consciously recall certain information, it may still influence our thoughts and creativity.

Now give me 10 example scenarios of “ Cryptomnesia "

  1. Writing a Song: A musician composes a new song, believing it to be original. Weeks later, they realize the melody closely resembles a tune they heard as a child but had forgotten about.

  2. Academic Paper: A researcher writes a paper and includes a unique concept they believe they've developed. Later, they discover a similar concept in an old journal article they read years ago but forgot.

  3. Book Plot: An author pens a novel with a plot they think is original, only to be informed by a reader that it mirrors the storyline of a lesser-known book they had read and forgotten years earlier.

  4. Invention Idea: An inventor comes up with an idea for a new gadget, only to find out that a similar device was patented in the past, which they had seen in an old magazine but did not remember.

  5. Cooking Recipe: A chef creates a "new" recipe for a dish that becomes popular in their restaurant, only to later recall that it closely resembles a recipe from a cookbook they browsed through long ago.

  6. Startup Concept: An entrepreneur pitches a revolutionary business idea, convinced of its novelty. However, they later realize the concept is similar to a project they learned about in college but had since forgotten.

  7. Artwork Creation: An artist produces a piece of art, thinking it's an original composition. Later, they recognize that the artwork significantly resembles a painting they saw once in a gallery but didn’t consciously remember.

  8. Marketing Slogan: A marketing professional devises what they think is a unique slogan for a campaign, only to discover it was subconsciously influenced by a tagline from an old advertisement.

  9. Scientific Theory: A scientist proposes a new theory, believing it to be a breakthrough. Months later, they come across an old paper that had proposed a similar idea, which they had read but forgotten.

  10. Joke Telling: Someone tells a joke, thinking they made it up on the spot, but later they realize it's a joke they heard years ago from a friend and had forgotten about until that moment.

Each of these examples illustrates how cryptomnesia can manifest in various creative and intellectual endeavors, leading individuals to believe they are being original when they are, in fact, recalling previously encountered ideas or works.

Now create a user story for “Writing a Song” scenarioChatGPT

User Story: The Forgotten Melody

Background: Alex is an aspiring musician with a passion for creating unique and heartfelt songs. They've been working on their debut album, eager to make a mark in the music world with their originality and emotional depth.

Scenario: One evening, inspired by a wave of creativity, Alex sits down with their guitar. The chords flow effortlessly, and a melody begins to take shape—one that resonates deeply with them. Excited by the tune's potential, Alex spends the next few weeks refining the song, adding lyrics that speak to personal experiences and emotions. They believe this song could be the standout track on their album, something that truly represents their artistry.

Issue: After sharing a demo of the song with friends and family, Alex receives overwhelmingly positive feedback. Everyone agrees it's catchy and emotionally powerful. However, during a casual listening session, a friend's comment turns everything upside down: "Isn't this melody similar to that song we used to listen to back in high school?" Initially, Alex dismisses the idea, but the seed of doubt has been planted.

Realization: Unable to shake the feeling, Alex spends the night digging through old playlists and music collections from their high school days. Eventually, they stumble upon a track they hadn't thought about in years but had once been obsessed with. To their dismay, the resemblance between their "original" melody and this forgotten song is unmistakable. The realization hits hard; what Alex thought was a burst of personal creativity was actually cryptomnesia.

Resolution: Faced with this revelation, Alex grapples with disappointment and frustration. However, they decide to see this as a learning experience rather than a setback. Acknowledging the influence, Alex sets out to rework the song, ensuring it's infused with new elements that are distinctly theirs while still retaining the emotional essence that made it special. This process not only helps Alex grow as a musician but also deepens their understanding of creativity and inspiration.

Outcome: The reimagined song becomes a testament to Alex's resilience and dedication to originality. It still captures the raw emotions and experiences they wanted to convey, but now it's undeniably theirs. The album's release is met with critical acclaim, and the story behind the song adds a layer of authenticity that resonates with listeners. Alex's journey through the challenge of cryptomnesia reinforces their commitment to their music and their identity as an artist.

Now, if you should make an ontology of the "Cryptomnesia", what classes and properties would you create?ChatGPT

Creating an ontology for "Cryptomnesia" involves defining a structured way to categorize the concepts related to this phenomenon, including the classes (or types of entities) involved and the properties (or attributes and relationships) that link these entities. Below is a basic outline for an ontology of cryptomnesia:


  1. Person: The individual experiencing cryptomnesia.

    • Properties: Name, Age, Profession

  2. Original Source: The initial work or idea that is forgotten and later remembered as new.

    • Properties: Title, Author/Creator, Date, Medium (book, song, painting, etc.)

  3. Recalled Idea: The idea, thought, or work that the person believes to be original but is actually a recollection.

    • Properties: Description, Perceived Creation Date, Actual Source (link to Original Source)

  4. Incident: An instance of cryptomnesia.

    • Properties: Date, Context (what the person was doing when the idea came), Realization Method (how the person realized the idea was not new)

  5. Medium: The form in which the original and recalled ideas are expressed.

    • Properties: Type (music, literature, art, etc.), Format (digital, print, audio, etc.)

Properties (Relationships between classes):

  • Person -> Incident: "Experiences" (a person experiences an incident of cryptomnesia)

  • Original Source -> Incident: "Is Recalled In" (an original source is recalled in a cryptomnesia incident)

  • Recalled Idea -> Original Source: "Is Derived From" (a recalled idea is derived from an original source)

  • Incident -> Medium: "Occurs In" (cryptomnesia occurs in a specific medium)

  • Person -> Original Source: "Forgets" (a person forgets an original source)

  • Person -> Recalled Idea: "Creates" (with the understanding that the person believes they are creating something new)

Class and Properties we used


  • cbi:Cryptomnesia; Describes the occurence of the Cryptomnesia bias

  • cbi:RecalledIdea; Describes the idea the biased agent thinks they've just created, in this domain refers to a self assessed original creation of any kind, usually a sentence, a joke, a verse.

  • cbi:OriginalSource; Describes the Original Source that causes the true instantiation of a memory


  • cbi:creates; Creates the relation between the person affected by the bias and the creation of a self assessed original creation

  • cbi:isDerivedFrom; Puts in relation the self assessed original creation and the true original source of it

  • cbi:hasBias; Describes the relationship between Biased Agent and Bias

  • cbi:isRecalledIn; Describes the relation between the original source and the current Bias

  • cbi:occursIn; Puts in relation the current Bias and the Media through which it can be exposed

Chosen Framester Frames

This frame contains general words for Individuals, i.e. humans. The Person is conceived of as independent of other specific individuals with whom they have relationships and independent of their participation in any particular activity. They may have an Age, Descriptor, Origin, Persistent_characteristic, or Ethnicity. A man from Phoenix was shot yesterday. She gave birth to a screaming baby yesterday. I study 16-year-old female adolescents. I am dating an African-American man. She comforted the terrified child. I always thought of him as a stupid man.

Other Ontologies used

dbo:Media; storage and transmission channels or tools used to store and deliver information or data

Last updated